[Amps] New Guy, Old 813 amp

k7fm k7fm at teleport.com
Thu Apr 26 09:33:11 EDT 2007

Hello Scott:

Congratulations on the 813 amp.  I had one many years ago and worked about 
150 countries on 75 meters.  The tubes are instant on - and that is worth a 
couple of db when you hear a rare station.

The electronics of a tuned input is relatively easy - you simply need to 
match the impedance of the tubes to 50 ohms.  Unless the amplifier you took 
the input from used the same tubes, it would not match, so you might as well 
build your own.

The most difficult problem in retrofitting a tuned input to an existing 
amplifier is trying to figure out a way to switch the input with the output 
switch.  I have done that successfully on a couple of occasions and it 
involves skill and good luck.  So, plan on having a separate switch for the 
tuned input and remember to switch it with the output.

If you wish to reduce designing to a minimum, get a pi-network antenna tuner 
and connect it right at the input - with zero length cable.  Then adjust the 
match for the bands you want to operate on.  You can then simply dissect the 
antenna tuner and determine what value parts you had when you had the best 
input swr.  Then replace those measured or calculated values with mica caps 
and small coils.  You can use a two wafer rotary switch to select the band.

Or, you can design your own.  I am guessing that the input impedance of an 
813 is about 375 ohms.  Two in parallel would be 188 ohms.  Use one of the 
filter design programs to design a pi type filter that has 50 ohms input and 
188 ohm output.  Wind a toroid for the inductor and use mica compression 
trimmers for the capacitors and you should be able to hit it right on the 

On my 813 amp, I wound a broadband toroid step-up transformer and loaded the 
output with a bit of resistance to make the load constant and called it 
good.  The driver was happy and I did not have to switch the tuned input.  I 
did not have much equipment to measure the performance, but never got death 
threats from anyone so assumed it was ok.

73,  Colin  K7FM 

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