[Amps] Triode vs Tetrode Amp

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Apr 26 19:14:41 EDT 2007

Gerald -K5GW said:
"Where the tetrode has an advantage is in the rare case that one wants to use 
very low drive power, such as a few watts from a QRP  transmitter. The input 
grid circuit can be designed to allow full output power with very low drive 
power levels. The FCC will not bless a commercial amplifier like this as the 
rules don't allow such a design."

To which I throw my two cents in...

The older I get, the more I detest "social engineering" the government applies through their rules and regulations. We all know they concocted this rule to manage the proliferation of CB "boosters". At least recently the rules have been relaxed to allow manufacturers to deliver products the ham community wants to buy and use. Hurrah! What, that took 30 years to fix?

With the new no-code licensing structure, maybe we should be petitioning the FCC to return the 11 meter band back to the amateur community?


73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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