[Amps] Looking for 3-500Z 6 m amp info

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Mon Feb 5 15:59:00 EST 2007

If people are paying over $900 for unknown condition SB-220s, I'm really in
the wrong business...as P.T. Barnum said..."**"
The advantage of using an SB-220 as a platform for a six meter amp is 90% of
the work is already done, and 98% of the parts are already there.  I don't
shop eBay for this stuff, but I see SB-220s at local amateur swap meets for
about $550, usually, and they do work (local deals, demo available).  To
build an equivalent 6m amp from scratch would definitely cost more than this
for most people.

-----Original Message-----
From: RICHARD GEORGE [mailto:k6kwq at msn.com]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:06 PM
To: 'John Farber'; amps at contesting.com; Steve Katz
Subject: Re: [Amps] Looking for 3-500Z 6 m amp info

With Sb220 amps selling for over $900.00 today, in un-known conditionon on
ebay. Why ruin one , just make a 6 meter amp from scratch.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Steve Katz <mailto:stevek at jmr.com>  
To: 'John Farber' <mailto:kg6i at hughes.net>  ; amps at contesting.com
<mailto:amps at contesting.com>  
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Looking for 3-500Z 6 m amp info

If you're familiar with the SB-220 circuit and parts, I have detailed
conversion instructions to make a 6m-only amp from that...let me know, I'll
e-mail the instructions to you.  Parts are identified by Heath component
designations to make it easy for somebody with an SB-220, may not be the
most suitable for a homebrew amp.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Farber [mailto:kg6i at hughes.net]
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 11:24 AM
To: amps at contesting.com <mailto:amps at contesting.com> 
Subject: [Amps] Looking for 3-500Z 6 m amp info

I'm converting my old HB pair of 3-500Z hf amp to a dedicated 6 m unit. I'm 
looking for info-suggestions for the tank and input circuit, also the HV 
choke. Please do not direct me to someone who wants to sell me an amp, I 
want to finish this project myself. And please, no "better to use an 8877" 
responses, I want to use what I have. I did manage to find an old reprint of

a Swan Mark 6b amp on the Bama site, but the quality was so poor, the parts 
values were unreadable. Anyone have a schematic they can scan and email me 
Thanks, John KG6I 

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