[Amps] 3-500z - intermittent filament

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Thu Feb 8 07:15:26 EST 2007

terry at g4amt.com wrote:

> The pins are riveted over on the tube side of the `former` so they cannot 
> (?) be removed; they are of `split` construction. The only way  I could 
> re-solder them was to use a solder sucker to extract the old solder - put a 
> couple of drips of flux in the hole and re-solder with silver solder; 
> heating the pin with a mini-blowlamp ...

A question as to what should be used here? There's 'silver solder' as 
used with a torch for brazing. There's also standard pcb solders with 
added silver content to give them a lower melting point than straight 


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