[Amps] General question on filament life: comments

Harold Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Sun Feb 11 23:54:14 EST 2007

Dimmers are great for romantic evenings when it's
just plain out-of-the-question to get any DX'g going.

However, they make all sorts of HF interference. I gotta
go around the house and make sure all the dimmers are off
when I get on the radio.

Lastly, bench-rig a dimmer and a 100 watt light bulb
and hook up your scope on a.c. input and check out the

No wonder the bulbs burn out!


I have dimmers on lots of lights in my house and it seems I replace a light
bulb at least once a month on those circuits. They seem to go bad while they
are on. I can hear them making a rather loud hum when they are about to fail
(probably the sound is generated from the chopping of the dimmer). When in
this condition of making noise, if the light is turned off and back on it
immediately fails upon turn on.

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