[Amps] High Power (2500 Watts) Bird RF Dummy Load For Sale

Bob and Bettina Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Sun Feb 18 18:02:43 EST 2007

More basement cleaning and recognition of things I will probably never use. I 
picked this RF load up several years ago and have never used it. Again I thought 
I would offer it here on the list before moving on to QRZ.com or maybe EBAY.

This is a BIRD 2500 Watt 50 ohm RF dummy load (dry) with attached Bird Power 
sensor and meter. The in line power sensor uses standard  BIRD plug in sensor 
slugs; it comes with one(1) slug (1 Watt, 105 to 120 MHz - now that is just 
about as worthless as....well, almost anything!).

It is an ex-US Army unit TS-118A/AP. Pictures are available but as a rough 
description the size is about 20" long, 8-1/2" high and 6" wide with another 7" 
for the RF power sensor. The overall weight is about 28 lbs and the shipping 
weight will be about 40 lbs. The frequency range is specified at 20 to 1400 MHz 
but, because the load reads 50 ohms on a VOM, I suspect the low frequency limit 
is either a government thing or some limit of the sensor head.

Overall condition is used and dusty but otherwise in great shape. Asking $600 
with shipping included. Make an offer up or don if you would like - please 
contact me off list at <rgroh at swbell.net>.

This would be a great addition for those of you who are really into the RF 
amplifier design and building fun. Again pictures are available if you would 
like. Thanks for looking.

Bob Groh
420 NE Sunview Circle
Blue Springs, MO 64014-2045
(H) 816-228-6402

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