[Amps] FL2100B

c. carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Jan 28 10:58:23 EST 2007

        I have made an interesting note on the FL2100B input swr VS. 
         I have been fighting this amp for a long time now using chinese 
tubes and could never get the input swr down much below 2.5 :1.!!!On 10 
mtrs. I had to add capacity to the input pi-net to get anywhere near 
even 2:1. !!
          I recently acquired a pair of Cetrons, ( 572B/T160L ) , which 
I think was the tube originally used in that amp.
          I tuned the inputs per the original instructions and lo and 
behold, the inputs are almost all well below 1.5:1 swr. the only 
exceptions are the high end of 80 ( 1.55:1) and the High end of 10 ( 
29.4 -29.7 , 1.45 :1 , !!!)  I also had to remove the extra capacitance 
I had added on 10.
           I have to wonder now about the actual  input capacitance of 
the chinese tubes !!!!
     what ever it was that caused the problems on 10 mtrs. I will soon 
see if it has gone away.!!!!!
         Has anyone else had problems with the 2100 on ten mtrs ??
        Just wondering.!!!!

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