[Amps] 3CX1500A7 VS 3CPX1500A7

Robert B. Bonner rbonner at qro.com
Sun Jan 28 16:57:32 EST 2007

There you go Steve.  I knew I had that info correct.

-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Steve Thompson
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 3:40 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3CX1500A7 VS 3CPX1500A7

Robert B. Bonner wrote:
>>From what I understand the 3CPX1500 5.5v filament is a PULSE SPEC.  It is
> the same filament as in an 8877.  The guy emailing REID, as that one
There's a specific note in the 'CPX data sheet about heater voltage - 
basically recommending operation at 5V unless peak current above 24A 
(very short pulses) is needed. With 5.5V up to 50A peak is available for 
the shortest pulses. At both voltages, the maximum current at 1sec or 
longer is 1A. Longer tube life is given as a benefit of lower voltage.

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