[Amps] Looking to purchase a good 6 meter amplifier

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Jul 30 16:49:39 EDT 2007

> Would like to buy a good 6 meter amplifier that could 
> handle 40 watts of
> drive and give me about 350 watts of AM carrier power. ie: 
> Henry 2006, or a Swan
> Mark 6, or a TEMPO 6&2, Commander 1200, or an Acom1000.

Good luck on that!

Efficiency is normally somewhat less than half the peak 
efficiency in AM linear service on carrier.

350 watts of AM carrier would be about 1400 watts DC input. 
Maybe less or more, but something around there.

That would require a kilowatt or so of tube dissipation, the 
rest being tank dissipation and other losses.

On peaks the input power comes close to doubling, and the 
efficiency comes close to doubling. A conservative estimate 
would be 2500W input or so on peaks, which would be about 
1400 watts PEP output.

None of these numbers would be the textbook perfect case 
where the tube runs around ~73% efficiency on peaks and 36% 
efficiency on carrier, because that assumes no external 
losses and a nearly ideal class B amplifier tube.

It takes a 1500W output amplifier to do 350W carrier if you 
want linear 100% modulation. (Even more headroom is needed 
with semiconductors.)

73 Tom 

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