[Amps] VHF/UHF Amps FA

Phil Barnes-Roberts WA6DZS wa6dzs at charter.net
Fri Jun 29 18:06:10 EDT 2007

Now up on the e-place, from seller barnesroberts:

Mirage B-1016 2m brick 10W-in, 160W-out, SSB/FM, w/preamp; from the
original Gilroy CA Mirage, pre-MFJ.

Item# 140133640818

TE Systems 1410G 2m brick 10W-in, 160-200W-out, SSB/FM, w/GaAsFET
preamp, overtemp warning LED, remote-able.

Item# 140133640923

TE Systems 4410G 420-450MHz brick 10W-in, 160-200W-out, SSB/FM,
w/preamp, overtemp warning LED, remote-able.

Item# 140133640976

Glostronics 12-1060A-220, S/N 009.  Ten watts in, sixty watts out, FM 
only, using a CM50-12A BP270 transistor from Comm. Transistor Corp, a 
division of Varian (datasheet included with example layout).  Nicely 
built, a notch above homebrew, but likely a small operation at the time 
(no preamp).  RF-driven T/R relay.

Item# 140133640739

73, Phil Barnes-Roberts WA6DZS  DM04we | Mailto:wa6dzs at arrl dot net
BOUNDARY, n. In political geography, an imaginary line between
two nations, separating the imaginary rights of one from the
imaginary rights of the other.   --Ambrose Bierce

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