[Amps] Centurion problems....

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Fri Mar 9 14:46:33 EST 2007

What is the grid current?  Maybe a grid-cathode short?  Maybe a weak 
output relay?

Mike, W1NR

john wrote:
> I've had a recent failure with my Centurion... was operating it about 600 
> watts out, when I heard a "TICK" noise (sounded mechanical, not electrical) 
> and noted that output power dropped. Plate voltage was still normal, but no 
> indicated plate current).
> 	I happened to look into the grill on the top and the PA plates were red.
> 	Turned everything off, then back on a day later,  at first all was well, 
> then the same thing happened again ...amp was normal, then output power 
> dropped to exciter levels, and the plates began getting hot as 
> before.  I've looked beneath the sockets, and nothing seems to have gotten 
> too hot here (or anywhere else)
> 	Ideas?
> 	John K5MO 
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