[Amps] Stupid questions...

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 03:02:40 EST 2007

Ed wrote:
... but most engineering experts think they are like
> doctors (demi gods) and you're stupid if you ask almost any question. 

It's sad if that's been your experience. Maybe I've been lucky, but it's 
a few rather than most who have been like that for me.

One thing I have noticed in recent times with increasing use of text 
only email - things can often be beautifully explained in a few words a 
a quick sketch, but are very difficult to convey in words only without 
diagrams or waving hands. Numerous times I've seen people trying to be 
brief in a message ending up appearing brusque and arrogant when I know 
they are just the opposite if you're sitting with them.


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