[Amps] Surge resistor

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 13:57:06 EST 2007

Gary Schafer wrote:
>Dare we say that a glitch can also be caused by a parasitic 

Along with several other well-documented possibilities, including 
sporadic releases of gas into the vacuum inside the tube, microscopic 
'whiskers' of metal inside the tube, stray hairs or insects outside the 
tube, line voltage surges, intermittent antenna connections, lightning 
protectors arcing over, photoelectrons, cosmic rays; and my all-time 
favourite: "spurious renegade primary and secondary electrons".

That last quote was delivered with all the authority of the RCA Tube 

The point they were making was: we don't know all the causes, but we can 
protect our amplifiers against the *effects*.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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