[Amps] Halli HT-41 amp

David C. Hallam dhallam at rapidsys.com
Tue Mar 27 12:30:51 EST 2007

Install the capacitors you have.  You will never know the difference.  As
far as 120VAC line goes, while there would be plus to have 240AVC input on
the transformer, the 7094's don't run enough power to really need 240AVC.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Tom Taylor
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 12:45 PM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] Halli HT-41 amp
> A few weeks ago I bought a very good condition Hallicrafters
> HT-41 amp at a
> local hamfest for a hundred dollars. The amp is now the heaviest piece of
> gear I own; just shy of a hundred pounds. I struggled carrying that thing
> the few blocks from the hamfest to parking lot. The HV transformer looks
> like an  old-style TV power transformer, but super-sized.
> Surprisingly, it's
> 120vac only. The amp is clean inside above and below the chassis
> and there's
> no evidence of anyone monkeying around with the wiring.
> The first thing I'd like to do is replace the 40 year old HV power supply
> caps with fresh ones. The existing supply has six 100mfd 450vdc
> caps wired
> in series for a total of about 17mfd capacitance. The power supply is a
> choke-input design. In my junkbox I've got plenty of new 120mfd 450vdc
> capacitors. They're about a fifth of the volume as the original
> ones. This
> will give me 20 mfd total capacitance. With this choke-input supply, is
> there much benefit (and it has to outweigh the time and cost of ordering
> larger capacitors that I don't have) to installing larger capacitors?
> Thanks,
> Tom N7TM
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