[Amps] CB etc Amps

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Oct 10 19:45:58 EDT 2007

> >My Tokyo HK-1.5Kfx runs almost as much power out on HF as does my old 
> >Henry
> 2K4 without near the heat. OTOH my *old* Alpha 76A doesn't throw out near 
> as
> much heat as does that 2K4 either.  Then again, I could purchase a lot of
> electricity for difference between what I paid for the 1.5K and the 2K4
> <:-)) Even in good shape and with a good pair of tubes the old Henry amps
> are typically in the $700 range. Some go higher, but they need to be one 
> of
> the *BIG* ones to bring much more. I see quite a few with the initial bids
> around $1200 that end with zero bids. They are big and they are heavy. Not
> exactly table top.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)<
> ::And the 2K4 can load up into a 4 or 5:1 VSWR system without flinching.

Tru, but so can my 1.5K if I put a matching network behind it which of 
course the 2K4 has built in.

> And you can run it at 250W carrier power with 100% modulation from an AM

But...but...but...whay would any one do something so terrible to our bands. 
That's like me telling the locals I have the 2002A so I can get into the 
repeater 6 miles away.
Actually I did tell them it's for packet so I can work any one I can hear. 

> exciter and hold really long transmissions.  When you fry a tube, a  new 
> one
> is $175 and not $400 like a 500W FET.  But it is heavy and it does have

I picked up a pair of new 3-500s for just a little over that.  I should 
sell the Eimac tubes I have as they are bringing a premium price. OTOH most 
of the tubes I have around here go for a lot more than $175.

> knobs. -WB2WIK/6
I like the buttons and flashing lights and ... auto band switching with near 
instant tune with the auto-tuner. Wish I could do that with the 76A.  I 
figure an auto-tuner is a courtesy for every one else on the bands. Maybe I 
should ask for contributions?


Roger (K8RI)

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