[Amps] LK 500 ZA bandswitch

dave arruzza w1ctn at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 14:22:33 EDT 2007

Hello all...
  Has anyone found a replacement bandswitch for this amp? 
  Once while talking to Bill @ Omega Electronics he told me his was drilling out the rivets on old bandswitches he had and retrofitting the switches with new contact shoes. 
  Sounds labor intensive, but do-able. Does anyone on the list know where you can purchase new contact shoes and the matching rivets? Or maybe you can just use screws. 
  The bandswitch, and a few other parts, are minimal. I think my bandswitch arced due to the padder caps, (C33, C34 and C35)  going south. 
  No output on 160/80/40. Ok on 20/15/10, where there are no padders switched in. 
  But thats just a hunch. Seems kind of odd to put disk caps in that environment. 
  My switch has a cooked contact or two and I need to get it repaired. I tried calling Omega and just got voice mail. 
  Dave W1CTN
  Now Low Power in CQWW....

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