[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 64, Issue 5

Mike Willis m.j.willis at rl.ac.uk
Wed Apr 2 16:24:44 EDT 2008

For amplifiers using mechanical coaxial relays, TX/RX switching time 
depends mainly on the settling time of the coaxial relay. Here are some 
manufacturers figures. An sequencer will need to delay by at least this 
amount, preferably a bit more.

Tohotsu relays are very common. The CX540 is the one I see most 
frequently and it takes 20mS to engage and 15mS to release.

The CX230, CZX3500, CX600, CX800, CX140 and CX120 are also very commonly 
used in amateur applications (because they are good value for not too 
much money). They all specify 20mS.

SSB electronics (Germany) do a high power range of relays. These specify 
30mS for the HF400 series, 40mS for the HF500/1500 series and 50mS for 
the HF4000 series.

Just about all the amplifiers I have seen use one of these relays or 
close equivalent. Worst case is 50mS but more likely 20mS.

I do not have figures for Jennings but they are likely to be similar.


PS - PLEASE don't reply telling us PIN switches are better - I don't 
care as that was not the question!
> Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:36:48 -0400
> From: Greg - AB7R <ab7r at cablespeed.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Relays
> To: '' amps '' <amps at contesting.com>, John/K4WJ <k4wj at bellsouth.net>
> Message-ID: <0B.ED.16396.00A93F74 at mxo5.broadbandsupport.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Can someone tell me what the extremes are on typical t/r relays in amps?  Many 
> newer amps seem fine with a 10ms delay from keydown to RF.  I'm wondering if there 
> are amps that are even quicker than this and what some worse case scenarios are 
> with older amps.
> Thanks!
> -------------------------
> 73,
> Greg - AB7R
> Whidbey Island WA
> NA-065

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