[Amps] Opinion on the AL800?

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 3 11:47:08 EDT 2008

Hello Lee.

I have the two holer version (H model) bought it used from a reputable ham 
in Bakersfield, CA three or so years ago. Runs like a champ, has not given 
one whit of trouble.

Only drawback (if this can be addressed as one) is the three or so minute 
delay for the hi voltage soft start/step/start to do its job.

Another cautionary point is do not overdrive the grid. The manual sez a blip 
on  the Ig meter is okay, but if you draw the Ig constantly you might end up 
buying new tubes.

A often heard (?) gripe is the fan noise that cools the tubes is a bit 
louder than most amps.

All said and done, yes, I woudl buy another one just like this one.

In closing if you buy a new one the ten meter option is a snap. Or should I 
say a "snip".

Hope the above is helpful.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lee Buller" <k0wa at swbell.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:25 AM
Subject: [Amps] Opinion on the AL800?

> Does anyone have any experience with the AL-800 - single tube amp from 
> Ameritron?  Good - Bad - Indifferent?
> Seems to be on the lines of the Commander 1250.
> Glowing reports on Eham - all five of them - and I am not sure I want to 
> buy something base on 5 Eham reports.
> Lee - K0Wa
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you 
> don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you 
> can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some 
> Common Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
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