[Amps] Fabrication & part placement

gdaught6 at stanford.edu gdaught6 at stanford.edu
Fri Apr 18 11:54:20 EDT 2008

Roger wrote...

> Some years ago I modified an MLA2500
> to use a single 3CX800A7, and decided there was not
> enough space to mount the tube vertically as well as
> allowing an air supply below. (Re-phrase that - if
> there is enough space, it is very tight, would require
> a sharp bend in the air input, and would need the
> original chassis to be hacked around horribly!) In the
> end I mounted the tube horizontally with the socket
> and the input circuitry in a small diecast box


Also, you might look at "New life for Dentron MLA 2500s" in the May, 1996 issue 
of QST for ideas.  The conversion described there is still working fine.

George T Daughters, K6GT
CU in the California QSO Party (CQP)
October 3-4, 2008

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