[Amps] Buck Boost

Patrick Egloff pegloff at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 12:39:53 EDT 2008

Sorry for that, what might seem dumb, question. But what is this "boost
method" ??

An easy way to increase you HV by 10 % is to put a small transformer in
serial with you actual HV transformer secondary. If you have a 2000V
secondary, put a 150-200V in series. You must check if your new transformer
is highly enough insulated.
You can also make a 200V DC supply and put it in serial with your actual DC

I did that on one supply and it works perfectly. I did put it on the DC
grounded side, so insulation is not so critical.

73, Patrick

2008/4/28 Barrie Smith <barrie at centric.net>:

> I'd like to increase the output voltage about 10% on a HV plate
> transformer using the boost method.
> Does anyone know what penalties I may encounter using this proceedure?
> Since there's no free lunch, I'm thinking that the voltage regulation will
> be similar to what it would be when using a variac.  Is that true?
> The plate transformer I will be using is 1 amp, CCS.  If the boost
> transformer is stout, as well, I don't think the regulation will be to bad.
> Ideas?
> 73, Barrie, W7ALW
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Patrick Egloff - TK5EP
email : pegloff at gmail.com
Web page : http://tk5ep.free.fr

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