Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Sun Aug 17 16:16:31 EDT 2008

Hi, does anyone have any idea how much current/power can be drawn from the  
dual primary of a plate transformer from one leg of the 120V to the (center 
tap)  0 volt connect when both windings are in series for 240v?  With most  
amplifiers you will see the blowers/fans run off in this way.  The reason  being, I 
have a 120v filament transformer for a single 3CX800 tube.  The  total 
primary current would probably be less than 200 mills.    Since the 3CX800 is 13.5v 
at 1.5 amps, that is about 21 watts, I would assume  the primary wattage would 
be near the same, about 21 watts.  21 watts at  120v is only about 200 mills. 
 Anyone see any problem with running the  filament transformer using the 
plate transformer 120v tap and the center tap on  the dual primary?  The numbers 
indicate it should be possible but am I  missing something?

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