[Amps] Silver

Larry larry at w7iuv.com
Tue Feb 12 18:12:28 EST 2008

Thanks to all those who responded with suggestions.

Photo Shop is probably the best answer, but since I have no artistic 
ability at all, is not an option.

Two bottles of Tarn-x were purchased (expensive!) and that wasn't even 
enough to "dip" my parts and cover them.

Tried the water/salt/aluminum foil suggestion and it did not work at 
all. Not even a trace of cleaning action. Maybe it was because I ran out 
of salt before I got to a saturated solution. Will try this again after 
another trip to the grocery store.

The Tarn-x does clean the silver plated coil but it takes considerable 
rubbing. No way I'm gonna sit here for hours and swab the insides of 
that edge wound inductor! I dipped it and it is a bit cleaner than it 
was but not "bright" by any means.

I'll amend this post if I make any additional progress.

73, Larry

Larry - W7IUV

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