[Amps] Johnson Roller Inductor

Radio WC6W wc6w_amps at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 1 13:32:57 EST 2008

Hi Bob,

22.5 uH

The 221-2 has the same inductance as the 221-1 but,
the turns are wound in the opposite direction.

This is also true for the -4 & -6 parts which are the
same values as the -3 & -5 respectively.

73 & Happy New Year!
  Marv WC6W


--- Robert King <w3gh at kiski.net> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me the Inductance of a Johnson
> roller, part # 226-2-5? 30 mh?
> Can't locate my old E F Johnson manual. 
> Thanks,
> Bob W3GH
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