[Amps] Re Choke Formers..

Roger (K8RI) sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Mon Jul 21 00:09:13 EDT 2008

robert briggs wrote:
> To Carl and all..My reference to circlips obviously has a different 
> meaning in your lingo.....The "circlips" I refer to are used on shafts 
> to hold bearings etc in place and are not a closed circle..They are 
> applied with a special tool..
I think you will find the generic name is "snap ring". They come in the 
"half moon" clip and the type with a pair of eyes on the ends allowing 
"snap ring pliers" to be used. The also fit inside and outside diameters 
and are quite common in many tools.


Roger (K8RI)
> 73...Bob VK3ZL..
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