[Amps] Bill Orr comment

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Wed Jul 23 23:46:23 EDT 2008

Peter DF3KV brought up a good point about Orr "meaning" that the tube  should 
do 2 to 2.5 times the plate dissipation in it's actual usage at rated  
spec's.  His example is proof to that fact.  I took the statement to  mean 2 times 
or more of the tube "rated" dissipation.  The only reason I  brought up the 
subject was that I have personally seen a 3-500zg tube do 1500  watts output with 
100 watts of drive.  Yes, the plate current was way high  no doubt, the grid 
current was high too but the tube made the power without  flattening out 
before it reached that point.  It's about time we had some  action on here.  Now we 
can all go back into hiding again.   Lou

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