[Amps] Bill Orr comment

k7rdx k7rdx at charter.net
Thu Jul 24 11:49:10 EDT 2008

Lou: I recall my experiances with 4-1000`s when I ran them in the 
70`s&80`s...It was relatively easy to get at least twice the power output 
per dissipation rating, and a single tube could be pushed to 2500 watts out, 
at least on 20-80 meters where I operate..Now that`s power into a suitable 
dummy load...The old glass bottles were TVI/RFI generators if run this way 
on the air as I`m sure most should agree..1200-1500 watts output was very 
clean if properly driven.
I believe you might see 1500 watts from a single 3-500Z before the tube 
reached maximum emission if: Your power supply doesn`t flatten out. Of 
course,this is way beyond what I deem reasonable,except for testing 
The 8877&other ceramic tube amps I have built I would never even think of 
trying for 2 to 2.5 times output per plate dissipation rating...They cost 
too much for such foolishness,except the YC-156 will easily exceed twice the 
rated dissipation in power output. If your PSU is stiff enough,this tube is 
an excellent performer and very clean at high power levels too..I believe 
Bill Orr produced some great reading for hams as well as practical ideas for 
amps,antennas,etc...We all sometimes make comments that are a result of 
personal experiance,others opinions may differ..73,Jim..K7RDX..
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Gudguyham at aol.com>
To: <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Bill Orr comment

> Peter DF3KV brought up a good point about Orr "meaning" that the tube 
> should
> do 2 to 2.5 times the plate dissipation in it's actual usage at rated
> spec's.  His example is proof to that fact.  I took the statement to  mean 
> 2 times
> or more of the tube "rated" dissipation.  The only reason I  brought up 
> the
> subject was that I have personally seen a 3-500zg tube do 1500  watts 
> output with
> 100 watts of drive.  Yes, the plate current was way high  no doubt, the 
> grid
> current was high too but the tube made the power without  flattening out
> before it reached that point.  It's about time we had some  action on 
> here.  Now we
> can all go back into hiding again.   Lou
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