[Amps] Bill Orr comment

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Fri Jul 25 03:15:35 EDT 2008

Yes indeed, 2.5 no problem with the 4 by 1´s. I ran a pair of 4-1000A´s
for 20 years or so, 200W drive gave just about 5000W output on all bands.
Last year I replaced them with a YC-179 however sometimes I do regret 
it, the 4 by 1´s was nice.
TVI well maybe, can´t really tell since there are no close neighbours
where I have my radio station. However I do remember that back in the 
70´ties I used to have problems with the 7:th harmonic from 14.2 MHz,
we have an FM station on 99.4 MHz you see. The Swedish PTT was quite
upset with me and tried to nail me several times however they never

73 Jim SM2EKM
k7rdx wrote:
> Lou: I recall my experiances with 4-1000`s when I ran them in the 
> 70`s&80`s...It was relatively easy to get at least twice the power output 
> per dissipation rating, and a single tube could be pushed to 2500 watts out, 
> at least on 20-80 meters where I operate..Now that`s power into a suitable 
> dummy load...The old glass bottles were TVI/RFI generators if run this way 
> on the air as I`m sure most should agree..1200-1500 watts output was very 
> clean if properly driven.

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