[Amps] ALPHA DOA...

LA7SL Nils P. Pedersen la7sl at online.no
Thu Jun 5 11:53:20 EDT 2008

Hello again !
Sorry if I stepped on some toes here...
- I said ">They make beautiful  amps--
as long as they work.."<
That means that I agree that the Acom's are great amps !
Then I started complaining about what I have experienced as a poor service level.
You people have your own experiences,- and I have mine...
My experiences are sad...
A few years back they were good ! Close to excellent actually !... I needed a new blower unit... It came right away..
the price was quite high..but that is to expect.
I needed some documentation...  no problem !
But lately something has changed. I get promises that someone will contact me...nobody
contacts me..  I send emails -get no replies ...I ask questions about replacement tubes,-
and get what I must call desinformation.   I write Svetlana,- and they advice me to contact
a company in UK that is their european representative... This company promises to try to
help me...so far nothing has happened. I keep copies of my correspondence.
Acom Bulgaria says that Svetlana was currently  producing the tubes at high speed,- and that the Acom
boss had been to the factory in st.Petersburg and inspected the production....
Svetlana says something else...the european rep. apparently has difficulties getting any of
those fresh tubes...
as everybody else has...
FIRST I do not like people lying to me...especially not a company that I respect(-ed)
Secondly I do not like sending emails into "black holes"
So my conclusion is : If you have the right contacts and friends or are living close to
Sofia or don't mind sending your amp halfway around the globe :
The Acom's are great amps !! I agree !
I manage to keep ours running almost 100% here at LN8W / LA8W . 
48 hours as run stn in multi single is usually no problem...
But then I am a qualified RF-Tech , and have spent several years repairing
and servicing comms equipment...
If you are...AND you have the right contacts....
no doubt: Then I recommend an Acom.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kees - pa7two 
  To: john devoldere, ON4UN ; amps at contesting.com ; la7sl at online.no 
  Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:28 PM
  Subject: RE: [Amps] ALPHA DOA...

  FULLY agreed!

  Vy 73, de Kees 

  Member of an all HAM family

  AmateurRadio : PA7TWO - M5TWO Locator: JO22jp 

  > From: john.devoldere at telenet.be
  > To: pa7two at hotmail.com; amps at contesting.com; la7sl at online.no
  > Subject: RE: [Amps] ALPHA DOA...
  > Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 14:25:02 +0000
  > Kees, Peter et all:
  > I very seldom reply to similar Emails ,but I feel I must add my 5 cents
  > worth.
  > I have two ACOM 2000's, the oldest one I got when they first came out (about
  > years ago???) and 3 years later I bought a seconds one.
  > I feel that the service, the assistance and the way the company helps you in
  > all respects is exemplary. I had one defect in the older unit, and it was
  > immediately repaired and since no problems at all.
  > As to spare tubes, I have had two tubes go bad on my amps in 8 years, and
  > that includes a lot of contesting etc, so I cannot complain. I still have
  > more than 5 spare ones just in case. Instead of complaining about tubes that
  > apparently are more and more difficult to get, I acted and now have a fair
  > number of spare ones. 
  > Let me summarize: I can only recommend the ACOM amps and the wonderful
  > service I have been receiving for many years from Vasco and his team.
  > 73
  > John, ON4UN
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
  > Behalf Of Kees - pa7two
  > Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 1:30 PM
  > To: amps at contesting.com
  > Subject: Re: [Amps] ALPHA DOA...
  > OM Peter, 
  > Please hold back a bit on ACOM. First of all ACOM makes
  > terrific amplifiers. I still think the best one can buy for that price. A
  > statement that can be made. Secondly, despite one repair (blown resistor in
  > bias circuit) I have no problems at all with the amplifier. I use it every
  > day.
  > Regarding the repair: The level of support given by Acom by
  > Stan was extremely professional and accurate. This advice was of such a high
  > level
  > that I was able to repair the amplifier myself. We all passed some technical
  > exams for our hobby, so we all have some technical level and should not be
  > afraid to repair the amp if needed.
  > If I was in the need of buying a new amp, I 100% sure would
  > choose again an ACOM 1000 unit. Absolutely NO doubt. 
  > Regarding spare tubes. Well, I have about 7 NOS spares left.
  > If anyone is in the need of a spare GU74B, just contact me off-line on my
  > private e-mail address, which can be found on the www.QRZ.com
  > Vy 73, de Kees 
  > > From: la7sl at online.no
  > > To: cx7tt at 4email.net; amps at contesting.com
  > > Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 14:14:56 +0200
  > > Subject: Re: [Amps] ALPHA DOA...
  > > 
  > > Tom !
  > > Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Acom. They make beautiful 
  > > amps--
  > > as long as they work....but if something happens you are trapped,- just as
  > > you tell.
  > > And try to get a spare tube for your Acom... Even the factory in Bulgaria 
  > > can not help
  > > you..
  > > I am sorry to say,- after reading a lot of postings in different groups in
  > > many languages
  > > that if Acom continues their present level of service they may soon need 
  > > armed security
  > > people at their doors...
  > > I can simply not understand that people are still buying Acom's !
  > > May be potential customers don't read or believe what they see and hear
  > > from Acom owners ?
  > > Peter LA7SL
  > > Acom 2000 owner/ user
  > > 
  > > 
  > > ----- Original Message ----- 
  > > From: <cx7tt at 4email.net>
  > > To: <amps at contesting.com>
  > > Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 12:31 PM
  > > Subject: [Amps] ALPHA DOA...
  > > 
  > > 
  > > >A MAJOR factor in my next amp purchase is whether it is SS or not. I
  > > > have had an Acom 1000 for 4 years now and really like it for it's quiet
  > > > operation and ability to cover 6m. Major issue is any repairs have to be
  > > > done by factory rep.
  > > > One day the amp was sitting at idle on 20m when a very loud "SNAP-POP"
  > > > happened. I tried a reset and it happened again. I then did the
  > > > procedure for the error codes and dutifully copied down all the
  > > > parameters. Call Acom and they said, "sorry, unable to tell by those
  > > > codes, must send it in". Well, that's a huge expense from Uruguay. Even
  > > > with my airline discount, the Pelican w/Acom 1000, weighs in at 71# so
  > > > it triggers $100 fee. So it gets to MIA and then Fedex (again airline
  > > > discount) up to MA then Fedex ground return + $$$ for repair then on the
  > > > jet at another $100 back to CX land. So it's around $300-400 to get it
  > > > repaired.
  > > > Luckily, I have Pedro, CX5BW who is a very good technician and knows
  > > > amps. We take the Acom apart and discover after taking out the filter
  > > > cap boards that one of the caps shorted against the bottom of the case.
  > > > We manage to repair with tape and fiberglass washer and I am 'good to
  > > > go' again. Only cost me a bottle of single malt...
  > > > Then, last week, using the same config for over 2 months....Acom feeding
  > > > a vertical dipole...the display goes berserk and displays
  > > > gibberish...amp still works fine and I rely on previous settings and
  > > > Digital wattmeter to tune. A call to Acom once again sez, sorry, must
  > > > send it in. So think I will ever buy SS or fancy amp again? Naw,
  > > > just give me a great tube amp w/o the microprocessors, thank you.
  > > > 73
  > > > Tom CX7TT
  > > > P.S. Have 30L-1 since 1987. Replaced all fil caps and rf parasitic
  > > > suppressors about 1 year ago and installed keying mod so can run
  > > > directly from K2, etc. GREAT amp...600-700 w...will never sell it.
  > > > _______________________________________________
  > > > Amps mailing list
  > > > Amps at contesting.com
  > > > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps
  > > >
  > > >
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  > > 
  > >
  > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  > ----
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 
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