[Amps] Refurbishing old amps

David Cutter d.cutter at ntlworld.com
Fri Mar 28 14:12:40 EDT 2008

Some excellent advice here but most of the stuff mentioned doesn't ring any 
bells with me. Perhaps some Brits know equivalents for these.

We have WD40 and I've seen MEK at work but not sure I could get it from a 
'domestic' source, I'll look around.  IPA I can get at the chemist 
Haven't heard of
Signature Polish
Hoppe's #9 gun oil (I'll just go to a gun shop?)
Mother's Silver Paste (Brasso?)
Conducto-Lube silver grease compound
Cool-Amp powder
Iridium Yellow (Alocrom 1200? but I only know this for aluminium)
VHT hi-heat wrinkle black (Finnigans black crackle paint?)
rubbing alcohol (IPA?)

Particular thanks to Hal for such detail.


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