[Amps] fs or trade Henry 3K Classic amplifier Mark II Export version

Fern Rivard crc at cyberlink.bc.ca
Sun Oct 26 17:09:56 EDT 2008

    I have a very nice Henry 3K Classic Mark II Export version  hf amplifer which is surplus to my needs. It has very low hours on the 3CX1200A7 tube and operates all bands from 80 to 10 meters. I would entertain trading for similar amplifier which uses the 8877 tube as I do have spares of those. I am located in the pacific northwest so would prefer dealing with someone in same area as I'm not really interested in crating this unit due to its size and weight but could arrange to meet for delivery/pick up. I can provide digital photos for interested parties.
    Cheers from Fern  VE7GZ

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