[Amps] (no subject)

Dave White mausoptik at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 4 03:06:04 PST 2009

It's the unused-for-30-years bit that would worry me.  I've seen too many of these things go *BOOM* when fired up or just suffer from ongoing reliability issues.

Dave G0OIL

-----Original Message-----
From: "Roger" <sub1 at rogerhalstead.com>
To: bill at k4fx.net
Cc: amps at contesting.com
Sent: 04/12/2009 06:27
Subject: Re: [Amps] (no subject)

Bill English wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Here is an interesting item on ebay, a new un-used TL-922 # 310183631289
> Almost 3 days to go and at almost 1700 dollars!
What did they sell for new? Although recent sales have been in the $1000 
range and a search shows a dealer selling a used one "like new" with new 
tubes for $1000 It's more than I'd go, but were I after one to match a 
Kenwood transceiver ....?

[truncated by sender]

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