[Amps] RF ?

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Feb 4 11:54:37 EST 2009

What frequency does it operate at? RF, AF ?

If ferrites dont fix it the problem it is likely overload at the input 
and a filter may have to be added. That could be simple to complicated.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Francis Sanita" <fsanita at cfl.rr.com>
To: "AMPS" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 7:08 AM
Subject: [Amps] RF ?

>I have a question I would like to put out for discussion.
> After using my SB 200 I notice that my Genie garage door opener will
> not work. The opener has a control board that searches for new
> frequency codes as a security feature. The control board apparently
> shuts down and I must unplug the opener and re plug to reset it.
> I have not eliminated this issue to any particular band and no other
> equipment in my shack affects the garage door opener ( not even my
> 30L-1). The door issue does not occur when the amp is not used and can
> run smoothly until the amp is put into use again so I feel the amp is
> the cause.
> Before I start tearing things apart - has anyone experienced similar
> issues or have suggestions as to how to proceed.
> Thank you.
> Frank Sanita AA4FS
> Palm Coast, Fl 32164
> fsanita at cfl.rr.com
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