[Amps] SB-220 and Xfrmr Smoke...Part 4

Jeff Carter amps at hidden-valley.com
Wed Feb 4 23:51:19 EST 2009

Okay, the replacement transformer is installed, and life is
good...except I'm beginning to think this amp is haunted.

All voltages were checked and are present.  Never again when working
on an amp will I assume that just because somebody sold me something
that it's good.  I should have known better.

The haunted part:  At odd intervals, the meter needles will *twitch*.
The plate current, which is sitting on zero, twitches up to maybe 50
milliamps, the HV needles twitches down a few volts, and then, as
quickly as it started, everything goes back to normal.

What's going on with this?  Do I have another problem to find?
Nothing's hot, nothing's smoking like before, this just seems odd
behavior to me with no drive or anything.

Has anybody seen this problem?  Or is it just a normal thing when
everything is new like this, with things settling in?

Thanks again,

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