[Amps] The SB220 Mystique
Scott C. McGrath
mcgrath at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Feb 10 14:53:34 PST 2009
I would agree with that point. This amp is a great starter amp as
after you bring one back from the dead you are ready to build your own
if you so desire
Scott N1JIN
Now if Heath Educational Systems would only start producing it again...
Jeff Carter wrote:
> I succumbed to the desire to revive a SB-220. "I did it myself" was a
> huge part of it. I wasn't able to identify a production amplifier
> with the same specs that was going to be as easy to bring back as the
> SB-220. When you add the huge following, multiple Yahoo and email
> special interest groups, suddenly there's a huge population of Elmers
> who have seen every problem this amp can possibly put forth and who
> will take lots of their own time to help.
> I even had folks send me parts out of their own stash. It seems all
> hams in a certain demographic have at least part of one of these amps
> lying around somewhere.
> Maybe there's a better "first amp" than this, but I couldn't find it.
> It gave me the confidence to build an amp from scratch if I decide
> later to do so. And it set me forever apart from thousands of
> "appliance operators" who may never even try to solder a PL-259 onto a
> piece of coax. I could have dropped 2.5 kilobux on a brand new
> amplifier, but it would never be *mine* the way this SB-220 is, and I
> think I've still got less than $1k in it.
> You can still get everything you need to bring one up from the metal.
> I did.
> Jeff/KD4RBG
> http://www.kd4rbg.com
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 08:59:21 -0800
>> From: "Gary Smith" <wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] The SB220 Mystique
>> To: "Lee Buller" <k0wa at swbell.net>,<amps at contesting.com>
>> My .02; I believe it is the mystique of " I did it myself" that keeps buyers wanting Heath gear, SB-220's in particular. That and the idea of "radios that glow in the dark" adds to the panache. For a while (recently) I too had the desire to revive a SB-220. But now that I have been reminded of the down side (TVI,etc,) not to mention the spiraling cost of replacement parts, I'll stick with my AL-800H with its two metal/ceramic tubes. Although they are pricey (if I were to mistreat them) EVERY part inside of that back/grey box is a E-Z phone call away.
>> I'm done.
>> 73,
>> Gary...wa6fgi
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