[Amps] Dual tetrode in grounded grid

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 12 15:56:21 PST 2009

I am still going to need at least 6 dB attenuation and that would mean at least 75 feet of RG58/U at a cost of just over 30 cents a foot.  Compare that with resistors which would total well under a dollar.  Also, there is plenty of room inside the linear cabinet to put even a very large resistor network let alone one made from 2 watt resistors.  However, not enough room for 75 feet of RG58/U coiled up.

No brainer!

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Carl <km1h at jeremy.mv.com> wrote:

I thought this was for 222 mHz?  RG-58 loss is about 8dB per 100' and you dont need that much attenuation. If you want short try RG-174 or RG-178.
I had to go the other way with my HA-2 and HA-6 since I am driving them with about 10 milliwatts out of a pair of TS-830's. Added a 2N5109 Class A buffer amp which tickles the 12BY7's just fine.


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