[Amps] Homebrewed "SPC" Transmatch

Edward Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Tue Feb 17 08:24:08 PST 2009

On 16th February, Bob wrote:

"...Looks nice Ed but that empty area sure could use the diagram of the
tuner. Not all of us are in a position to get it..."


Hi Again Bob, Et Al,

If you click back onto my Flickr website again, you'll see that I've added a
scanned copy of the transmatch circuit ("...back by popular demand!", Hi)
which inspired me here in the construction of mine...


I apologize for the poor quality of the scan --- still, I'm sure that anyone
interested in building their own version of the SPC transmatch will readily
get the gist of it (any queries as to specifics may be directed to me...I'll
be only too happy to assist).

Let's see some pix of OTHER homebrewed creations in the matter of
transmatches! It just blows me away, the amount of BIG $$$ that some
manufacturers command for commercial "appliance" versions of these things.
These rigs are probably THE easisest pieces of equipment for to-day's
Amateurs to build that can see daily use in the shack --- heck, they don't
even have to be shielded!

I'd wager that most (if not all) of the parts for one of these rascals could
easily be purchased dirt cheap at nearby Hamfests...and EVERY OT worth his
salt has a treasure trove of parts stashed away that are just ACHING to be
put to good use. All you have to do is ask! Most Hams are more than happy to
oblige, knowing that their gems are going to a good home in this way...

So come on, all you non-builders out there: what are you waiting for...?!
Dust off that old Weller iron, and get to work --- you won't regret the
experience, OR the fruits of your labour...!!!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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