[Amps] turns = henries question

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Sat Feb 21 14:21:35 PST 2009


For you math whizzes out there (math is not my strong point)...

I need 60uH for a plate choke. 

The existing coil apparently uses 23 guage wire and the coil form is 
.676" OD. There are 45 turns per inch and the length of the windings 
on the coil form is 4.052" long.

Accdording to wikipedia


My wire measures .022" so acording to the chart, I call that 23 
gauge. Radio shack has enameled wire but the closest guage is 22 
Gauge and that measures .025" which also jives with the chart.

I don't know how many turns of the 23 guage on this coil form will 
give me 60uH. Can anyone help me out on this?



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