[Amps] TenTec TITANs on WARC bands

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jan 13 13:15:49 EST 2009

On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:16:09 -0500 (EST), n8cc at mei.net wrote:

>BAND COVERAGE:  1.8-2.0, 3.2-4.7, 6.5-8.5, 13.4-19.6, 17.6-23 MHz.
>        (Export model provides coverage of 17.6-26.5 and 20.6-31 MHz).

This is something that varies widely with the vintage of the Titan. I own 
three 425s (the original Titan). The earliest of them does NOT work 30M, 
no matter what, and not even that little bit you need to get up to 200W. 
Later production units do it "OK" or a VERY WELL depending on their 
vintage. I think the older one works 17 and 12, but I don't remember for 
sure -- I use it mostly for SO2R contesting, and it doesn't see the 
antennas that work those bands. 

Remember -- this amp was originally designed before we had the WARC bands, 
and we got the bands soon after it went into production. I bought a new 
Omni A Series B around this time. It came without the WARC bands, but 
there was a factory mod that added two of the three. 


Jim K9YC

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