[Amps] 3-500Z's: Brand ??,

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Tue Jun 9 17:33:58 PDT 2009

Dead right, I've been using Chinese generics, sourced for me by Hsu, 
(a member of this list) for quite a number of years now. They are 
extremely robust and they run as good as the day they were installed.

73, Alek

At 07:33 AM 10/06/2009, Rob Atkinson wrote:
>I have used the RF Parts "house brand" matched pair 3-500zg for the
>past 8 years with no problems.  They are the ones made in China but
>they seem perfectly okay.  I read somewhere that the difference
>between them and the American tubes is the glass is thinner on the
>Chinese ones.  There's static floating around to the effect the
>Chinese tubes in general are inferior but factual reports from people
>actually operating them dispute this.  I'm running mine at 250 to 300
>w. carrier AM with no problems, 1.3 kw pep.
>Rob K5UJ
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com


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