[Amps] HV switch-mode power supply

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri May 22 20:28:40 PDT 2009

On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:03:23 -0700, Bill, W6WRT wrote:

>My 'lectric bill here in the California desert, miles from the nearest
>generating plant runs about 12 cents per kWh. 

Near San Francisco, my residential base rate is $0.115/kWh for 350 kWh 
per month during the summer. For the next 100 kWh per month, it jumps 
to $0.13, then to $0.23/kWh for 200 kWh, then to $0.325 for 350 kWh, 
then to $0.35/kWh. Adding these numbers together, you hit the $0.32/kWh 
rate at about 22 kWh/day. During the winter, the allowance at each rate 

When I left Chicago (three years ago), I was paying $0.09/kWh during 
the winter and $0.10/kWh during the summer. We ran air conditioning 
during the summer, and our average use was about 55 kWh/day. Here in 
CA, we're down to about 27 kWh/day, and we've never even considered 
buying air conditioner. Thank you, Enron and PG&E. 


Jim K9YC

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