[Amps] TL922 Power Plugs

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Wed Nov 4 18:27:19 PST 2009

> Ground Fault Interrupter?
> I say that only half jokingly as I'd bet that about 75% of the ham
> stations out there are in homes without GFIs.

Not to confuse matters, but as of Jan 1, 2002, the NEC requires AFCI devices 
installed for bedroom receptacle outlets in new home construction.  So, if 
the shack is located in the bedroom of a new home...

Some newer GFI devices are now combined with the AFCI protection function. 
AFCIs are really a good thing.  It's likely my neighbor could have saved his 
home from a lamp arc had an AFCI been installed.

Pau, W9AC


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