[Amps] TL922 Power Plugs

Robert Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Thu Oct 29 07:27:47 PDT 2009

Yes, I think you have got it right. The white wire (the neutral) is not used when you are running on 220/240 VAC. You only need the neutral if you have some 110/120 VAC loads in the device - the TL922 runs all the 110VAC loads (e.g. relays, etc) off a tap on T1.

Simply leave the neutral connection open.  The green wire is the 'grounding' conductor and you do need it for safety reasons. The 220/240 V power connections are, as you indicated, the two 'hots' (blue and brown in this case).

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

From: Allan W Schlaugat <reflectors at n9isn.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:34:37 AM
Subject: [Amps] TL922 Power Plugs

I am trying to get a old Kenwood TL922 Amp up and running. It did not come
with a power plug (as per the manual) so I am trying to get one to work
with the amp. I have a 30A 240v 3 pole 4 wire outlet Type 14-30R for its
power source.

The TL922 has 3 wires, a green ground and two 'hots' blue and brown (X &
Y). The odd man out is the 'white wire neutral' that is needed on the L
spade of the plug Type 14-30P.

I am inclined to just forget about the white wire and stay with the green
ground. Any thoughts, suggestions or warnings?



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