[Amps] LCR Meter

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Apr 3 06:02:15 PDT 2010

Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 09:53:35 -0700
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] LCR mteter.

On Fri, 2 Apr 2010 00:23:16 -0700, "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>

>## Not a chance Bill.   Sure  Myself, and everybody else  does the 
>same trick u do,,,, put a non inductive Resistor, between  anode and chassis
>and the put the MFJ  on the output, and activate the T/R  relays.
>## Tune and load caps  are then tweaked for  flat swr on the MFJ. This
>procedure alone, doesn't help  FINDING correct  coil  taps  one bit ! 
>EG:  I could easily have almost double the  uh  required  for say 40m....
>and simply REDUCE the tune + load cap values.. till  swr on mfj  reads 1:1.


You say "not a chance Bill" and then you say you do exactly what I do.
What do you mean by "not a chance Bill"?

###  I mean  I wouldn't use the MFJ  to measure the uh.. and
select taps based on uh readings  from any mfj, when  mfj used
to measure uh. 

Second, when using the MFJ for this, the way I prefer is to preset the
tune cap for the value shown in the spreadsheets and then DO NOT TOUCH
it during the rest of the procedure. Adjust the load cap and change
the tap on the coil until you have the SWR 1:1. That way you end up
with the correct value of tune C and Q. Can't miss.

##  sure, this method works good too.   What  do u use  to measure the tune
cap ??     If the  mfj is used to measure the tune cap, you will be out to lunch.
If your AADE unit is used to measure the tune cap,  all is well. 

##  I found that if  I measured the taps  with the b+K  875.. and tapped the coil
using the spread sheet results..... everything came out just fine.  When the Tune cap
was checked [ after resonating the  tune + load caps.. with mfj on the output]  after
the fact, it was dead on  VS  the  spreadsheet. [ or extremely close]    

 Also, when pre-setting the tune cap, be sure to have the tube anode connected so
it's capacitance is included too.

##   agreed.   The tube C  will add another  33 pf on a 3CX-3000A7.  That tube
C  has already been factored in on the spread sheet.   When the spreadsheet  wants
say  270pf  for tune cap, it actually wants  303 pf..... but  33 pf  comes  from the  tube,
the C1  cap provides the balance...270pf. 

 If you are using a low frequency C-meter such as the AADE unit, disconnect the plate
choke lest it throw the C measurement off. 

##  here I disagree.  The  effect of the plate choke is ALREADY factored in ..on the 
spread sheet.   My 200 uh plate choke  will..'eat'  40  pf  from my Tune cap on 160m.
That effect can be seen right away, when plate choke removed.  With  choke removed,
the tune cap has to be REDUCED in value by exactly 40 pf.  Change the value of the
plate choke on the spread sheet, and you will see the effects on the value of the
tune cap asap.   Huge difference  between 20uh, 200 uh.. and 99999 uh. [ 160m]

##  to recap... the  tube adds  another  33 pf..... but the 200 uh plate choke  'eats'
40 pf.  [160m]   On the  higher bands, the  plate choke has a small effect.

##  if the LCR meter. or what ever u use.. is more accurate  measuring caps...  yes,
I would  tweak the tune cap with it [ including tube and plate choke].    Then use the same 
lcr meter  to get the coil tap in the ballpark.  Then tweak the coil tap and load cap  to resonate.
I used to use a loaded Q of 12  [ = 10 using the old arrl/orr/eimac method.. which is just input
Q and not total Q] ,  I now use  a loaded  Q  of  8-10.  Eff improves, less coil  and band switch 
heating, amp requires less adjustment, once tweaked at  14.200..... it's good from  14.100  to 
14.300 .  Harmonic suppression  might drop a bit,  but the ant's are monobanders, and swr on
the 2nd harmonic is sky high.... or is not inside a ham band.  My 40 m yagi does not resonate
on either  20m or  15m.  I still use a LP filter.. with a 33 mhz  cut off. 

later........ Jim   VE7RF    

73, Bill W6WRT

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