April 2010 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Apr 1 03:14:38 PDT 2010
Ending: Fri Apr 30 19:55:36 PDT 2010
Messages: 717
- [Amps] LCR meter/review
- [Amps] LCR meter
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Help on GS35b PI circuit..
- [Amps] lcr meter
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Powering up after several years
- [Amps] Class F PA circuit tricks to improve efficiency
Radio WC6W
- [Amps] More LCR meters and measurements
- [Amps] Nice SB-220 on ebay
- [Amps] source of fan for L7
Dale Long
- [Amps] Powering up 3K
Donald Fox
- [Amps] LCR mteter.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] More LCR mters and meaurements.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily
Dr. David Kirkby
- [Amps] Crydon Solid State Relays
George (K8GG) & Marijke Guerin
- [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily
David J Windisch
- [Amps] Heathkit meter
Jim Feld
- [Amps] LCR Meter
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily
Donald Fox
- [Amps] coaxial stub on amplifier output
Jim Brown
- [Amps] Eimac YC-238
Jim Brown
- [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily
James Irving
- [Amps] Reposting subject line, oops, there i go again
John Lyles
- [Amps] STUBS, subject name may have changed
John Lyles
- [Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
Roger D Johnson
- [Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
Mark K5AM
- [Amps] contact bounce
PACER99 at aol.com
- [Amps] Subject header
Dr. David Kirkby
- [Amps] LCR Meter
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Subject header
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Vac relay sequencing.. [WAS contact bounce]
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] LCR Meter
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] contact bounce
James Irving
- [Amps] Indirectly heated cathodes
Steve Thompson
- [Amps] Fwd: help with decision on ncl-2000
jim feldman
- [Amps] Did the 2KD Classic have a built in power supply?
Donald Fox
- [Amps] Vac relay sequencing.. [WAS contact bounce]
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] contact bounce
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Matched set 8122's needed
Michael Zeglen
- [Amps] liquid cooling
- [Amps] liquid cooling
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] Liquid Cooling
John Lyles
- [Amps] liquid cooling
jim feldman
- [Amps] liquid cooling
Paul Decker
- [Amps] liquid cooling
Ron Youvan
- [Amps] contact bounce
Its from KE4VYN
- [Amps] 48VDC power supply mating connectors
Dick Hanson
- [Amps] contact bounce
John Lyles
- [Amps] liquid cooling
Ward Silver
- [Amps] Liquid cooling
Robert Briggs
- [Amps] DRAKE L-7
- [Amps] source of fan for L7 - 2nd request
Dale Long
- [Amps] Look for a source of 240 VAC meter
leewical at lava.net
- [Amps] pi-net spreadsheet question
- [Amps] contact bounce
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Look for a source of 240 VAC meter
K1SG at aol.com
- [Amps] Vaporized band switch contacts
- [Amps] Liquid Cooling
John Lyles
- [Amps] DRAKE L-7
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Electrolytic capacitor WV ratings
- [Amps] Vaporized band switch contacts
- [Amps] A 10-4 Good Buddy CB amp on e-bay...
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] pi-net spreadsheet question
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] DRAKE L-7
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A 10-4 Good Buddy CB amp on e-bay...
Dave White
- [Amps] Electrolytic capacitor WV ratings
Paul Christensen
- [Amps] A 10-4 Good Buddy CB amp on e-bay...
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A 10-4 Good Buddy CB amp on e-bay...
Richard Schmuke
- [Amps] SB220 Sick
- [Amps] Skin effect discussion
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] SB220 Sick
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] SB220 Sick
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
- [Amps] [AMPS] 3-500z "glow blue"
Ryan Foster
- [Amps] SB220 SICK...RELAY
- [Amps] [AMPS] 3-500z "glow blue"
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] liquid cooling
James Irving
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
Bill, W6WRT
- [Amps] CB amp directly coupled via cap to antenna
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] SB220 SICK...RELAY
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] CB amp directly coupled via cap to antenna
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] Hmmmm...Legal limit boiled the oil in the cantena
Roger Parsons
- [Amps] First Power in 25 years question
Tony Brock-Fisher
- [Amps] Standing waves necessary for antenna to radiate?
Bill, W6WRT
- [Amps] K0XP
- [Amps] CB amp directly coupled via cap to antenna
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Manual tuned inputs
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] First Power in 25 years question
john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Manual tuned inputs
K8MLM at aol.com
- [Amps] Manual tuned inputs
Dave White
- [Amps] A few nice ones on E-Bay
- [Amps] Link Coupled Toroid Grid Circuit?
Radio WC6W
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
Donald Fox
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Alpha 87A was humming along nicely when...
- [Amps] Tempilac Sticks
Marv Gonsior
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
Donald Fox
- [Amps] An IM and power question
- [Amps] A few nice ones on Ebay
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] CB amp directly coupled via cap to antenna
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Tune up your AMP!
Phil LaMarche
- [Amps] Problem with 500w AM Linear with mosfet IRFP360
sasas asasas
- [Amps] Henry control cable
Dan Simmonds
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?
- [Amps] Alpha 87A Back on the air...
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes.
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] 813's.. Parasitic suppressor's
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] AG6K explaining parasitics
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] band switch ratings Clip-L
Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1
- [Amps] Henry 2K4 troubleshooting
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Bill's novel idea of parasitic suppression.
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] "Radio Dan" joins Alpha, VP Marketing
Sam Carpenter
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Series screen gate design help
Vic Rosenthal
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] construct Chebyshev 5-Element Low-Pass Filter
sasas asasas
- [Amps] IGBT-controlled grid voltage
John Lyles
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Relay Speed UP Circuit
- [Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit
Mike Lucas
- [Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?
herzog at frontiernet.net at frontiernet.net
- [Amps] line length magic
herzog at frontiernet.net at frontiernet.net
- [Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit
Mike Lucas
- [Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit
Mike Lucas
- [Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] HV lytic max V ratings..some notes
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] 160m mosfet linear amplifier problem with ferrite cores
sasas asasas
- [Amps] value for SB-220 output tank L
Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1
- [Amps] Grounded grid matching circuit
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] 160m mosfet linear amplifier problem with ferrite cores
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] A tale of two IMs What happens?
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] 160m mosfet linear amplifier problem with ferrite cores
sasas asasas
- [Amps] 2000Vct 1.5KVA Toroid Tube Transmitter Amp Transformer
Rob Stampfli
- [Amps] 2000Vct 1.5KVA Toroid Tube Transmitter Amp Transformer
Bill Tippett
- [Amps] Somebody need a BMF Toroid ?
Michael Baker
- [Amps] care and feeding
Paul Decker
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Dave White
- [Amps] 160m mosfet linear amplifier problem with ferrite cores
sasas asasas
- [Amps] 30M noise problem (OT?)
jerome schatten
- [Amps] 5514 triode
Ron Youvan
- [Amps] Vaporized band switch contacts
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] height of 3-400 vs 3-500
Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Dave White
- [Amps] Tuned inputs
Dave White
- [Amps] re Tuned inputs
Gary Schafer
- [Amps] Thinking out loud
- [Amps] 3CX800A gone South?
Hardy Landskov
- [Amps] Band Decoder, TS950
- [Amps] Thinking out loud
- [Amps] [Elecraft] attenuator in amp was Re: K3 and Expert 1K-FA
Paul Christensen
- [Amps] Thinking out loud
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] EBS.. does it even work with VOX SSB ??
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] HV toroid, ebay item # 370270095930
Dick Hanson
- [Amps] HV toroid, ebay item # 370270095930
TexasRF at aol.com
- [Amps] HV toroid, ebay item # 370270095930
Alek Petkovic
- [Amps] mail
- [Amps] HV toroid, ebay item # 370270095930
jim feldman
- [Amps] Transformer 50/60hz
John E. Cleeve
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
- [Amps] Wanted Array Solutions Watt Meter
James Colville
- [Amps] antek web site
Danny Pease
- [Amps] Wanted Array Solutions Watt Meter
Alek Petkovic
- [Amps] Transformer 50/60hz
John E. Cleeve
- [Amps] mail
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
Dave White
- [Amps] Transformer 50/60hz
Dave White
- [Amps] PS Caps help
Ryan Foster
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
RDavis (WD8JJA)
- [Amps] 160m linear amplifier with mosfets low output at some frequencies
sasas asasas
- [Amps] 160m linear amplifier with mosfets low output at some frequencies
sasas asasas
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
Dave White
- [Amps] height of 3-400 vs 3-500
Gudguyham at aol.com
- [Amps] Helping a Uruguayan Ham build an Amp.
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
Dave White
- [Amps] Hello Everyone
Dennis Peterson
- [Amps] How to clean tube fins
Steve Thompson
- [Amps] Wanted, Heath SB 220, Drake L4B, Kenwood TL 922, other 3-500Z Any Condition
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] 3-500Zs Carbon vs Tantalum Plates; Outgassing; Gettering
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] GigaVac Relays
Jim Thomson
- [Amps] Russian Tubes
Lee Buller
- [Amps] Commander-2000 issues
- [Amps] GS-35B optimum B+ for efficiency/power out
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] Chinese Made Bakelite or mystery material 3-500Z sockets
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] GS-35B optimum B+ for efficiency/power out
Dave White
- [Amps] Helping a Uruguayan Ham build an Amp.
Dave White
- [Amps] air director
- [Amps] V. O. Stokes book obtained
John Lyles
- [Amps] Henry Radio Amp Fuse
Jay Musikar
- [Amps] Price Check, 77DX
Sam Carpenter
- [Amps] K5VT SK
Paul Gerhardt
- [Amps] GLA-1000B Issue
- [Amps] Calculation of Tube Impedance
Lee Buller
- [Amps] (no subject)
Lee Buller
- [Amps] Clipperton - L Parameters
Lee Buller
- [Amps] MLA-2500 adding 6m to existing bands?
Mike & Coreen Smith
- [Amps] 813's question
jerome schatten
- [Amps] Calculation of Tube Impedance
Peter PE1E
- [Amps] Kenwood TL-922 Amplifier issues...............
Dennis Peterson
- [Amps] Tube Storage, vacuum containers
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] Tube Storage, vacuum containers
Patrick Barthelow
- [Amps] problem with Low pass filter and ouput power
sasas asasas
- [Amps] contaminated V.O.Stokes book
John Lyles
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 19:55:36 PDT 2010
Archived on: Sat May 1 08:14:32 PDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).