[Amps] Band Decoder, TS950
pcb4u at verizon.net
Wed Apr 21 14:32:38 PDT 2010
I am presently using a homebrew decoder for my Kenwood TS950 to read the RS232 data (using a STAMP chip) and setting the proper outputs (multiple "IF" conditions on reading the RS232 data) to drive my antenna relay box.
Its getting buggy after many years and I don't want to revisit the R & D project it was to find out the bug why its sometimes doesn't read the data right. I am assuming the 950 is always reading it correctly as only one of 9 bands occasionally doesn't close. It could be the relay driver but as I said, I am not in the R & D mood anymore HI
I am looking to dump the decoder I have but I don't see much out there with the possibility of a box by microHAM
Anyone know if this unit can switch antenna relay without the use of a PC? If so has anyone ever used one? Is there another decoder I am not aware of for the TS950?
Thanks in advance
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