[Amps] First Power in 25 years question

john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
Fri Apr 9 06:35:23 PDT 2010

I have a 6100 that was similarly brought back to life.   The major item of concern , is
electrolytics, and in particular the HV filter caps.

If you want to play it safe, disconnect the filters and bring them up to rated voltage with a
current limiting external supply , to see if they will form. If the leakage doesn't go down,
you'll know it without putting your power transformer at risk.

Neat old rig, with ~200 made. Mine works well  and hope to get it driving the matching amp I
got some years ago (B&W LPA1....it's a pair of 813's)

John K5MO

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