[Amps] Liquid Cooling

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Tue Apr 6 09:15:21 PDT 2010

> have the heat exchanger grounded through a 0-1ma meter....My water
> reservoirs contain 12 liters of distilled water....

That should stay pure for a while!  The Alpha Seventy's reservoir 
(topped-off tube boiler, condenser, and feed line) is roughly 700 mL (about 
3 cups of H2O).  The bottom of the condenser forms a large portion of the 
reservoir.  Leakage is typically 1 mA @ 4KV.  At 1KW TPO brick-on-the-key, 
the assist from the whisper fan keeps the H2O temperature well under 
boiling, although I've never measured it.  That's actually a good parameter 
to monitor.  I'll need to think of a way to easily measure H2O temperature 
without affecting system leakage current.   Ideas, anyone?

Current leakage to
> ground is typically 200ua at room temperature rising to around 350-400ua
> at 40C....It takes a long CW session to warm the water past 30C with
> this system...

Bob, I sure would love to see some photos of that cooling system.

Paul, W9AC 

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