[Amps] Electrolytic capacitor WV ratings

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Wed Apr 7 06:46:39 PDT 2010

> What's considered good engineering practice for electrolytic capacitor 
> voltage ratings at ham power levels? Should you add a safety factor to the 
> DCWV rating of the capacitor, and if so, how much?
> -- 
> Vic, K2VCO


In a typical amplifier power supply where a string of series electrolytics 
are used, the safety factor would be dependant on the equalized balance of 
voltage appearing across the terminals of each cap.   For electrolytics, 
I've seen design safety factors range from 20% - 50%.  Twenty years ago, I 
would have leaned closer to the 50% figure.  But recently manufactured 
electroytics of all classes (not just computer-grade types) seem to be much 
more reliable near their rated working voltage.

Paul, W9AC

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