[Amps] liquid cooling

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Mon Apr 5 15:08:41 PDT 2010

Ron Youvan wrote:
> Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>>> It is incorrect to say water is an insulator. No matter how much you 
>>> distill it, there is a degree of self-ionization.
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-ionization_of_water
>>> which puts an lower limit on the conductivity.
>    40,000 Volts DC across 36" of Teflon tubing does not put H2O the
> conductor category.
>    It is little more than trivial to add a demineralizer to the cooling circuit.

Water is neither a perfect conductor or insulator. Whether it is more like a 
conductor or insulator depends on the context. Certainly, I think it wrong to 
state water is an insulator, when its insulation properties are much poorer than 
things we normally call 'insulators' - PVC, Teflon, air etc.


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