[Amps] contact bounce

PACER99 at aol.com PACER99 at aol.com
Sat Apr 3 21:47:23 PDT 2010

Hey guys,
I have an amplifier that uses a Jennings RJ6 relay in both the input and  
output circuits. About once every two years I have to change the output 
relay.  Since both relays switch at the same speed the output relay tends to arc 
during  the contact bounce stage of its cycle. This has been confirmed by 
Jennings when  I sent back a bad relay and they opened it up to confirm the 
My idea is to slow down the input relay slightly to save the output relay.  
I dont think that the input relay will fail when hot switching the 200 
watts RF  input where the output relay which switches 2 KW has problems.
If you agree with my thinking then can anyone suggest a simple solution to  
slow the input relay switching.
The relays are Jennings RJ6B and operate at 24 VDC.

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